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A Compelling Perspective of Combining STEM and Art

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It might seem to many people that STEM and Art are disciplines, which can’t be combined because they are totally different. Yet, STEM abbreviation can easily be turned into STEAM by adding “A” that stands for Art.

It’s not only a letter that can be added to such fields as Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. Art incorporated into the exact disciplines can significantly increase the effectiveness of learning by providing a creative perspective on various controversial subjects.

The collaboration of STEM and Art is fully capable of bringing impressive, interesting and, most importantly, effective results. Here are just some examples of how Art can help exact disciplines in the effective learning and exploration of complicated scientific issues.

Obviously, STEM is all about precision but supplementing factual data with bright visuals can help the idea be transferred into someone’s mind more effectively. One such example was created by Senior Editor for the Planetary Society, Emily Lakdawala, who used needlepoint and canvas to better illustrate the concept of the scale of the MARSIS instrument booms on the Mars Express. A mere listing of impressive dimensions wouldn’t be as effective as the needlepoint orbiter created by the scientist.

We all know how pressing the issue of climate change is but if you could see the map of all the negative environmental transformations, you would be able to get even more impressed by the compelling perspective and true picture of the devastating consequences of global warming. The Climate Change Coloring Book was created with such aim so that you could color and explore the data related to climate change.

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Clearly, photographing is a creative process but it turned out that it can be successfully combined with the science. This was proved by Nikon that recognizes the efforts of those who capture images by the light microscope for almost half a century. The images are so impressive that they are worth attention in their own unique right.